In the next few weeks, we will be redoing this Cross Focus blog with a new look and new content. Much of the existing material will be transferred to another blog and we will let you know which one.
So, for all of you that are our regular readers, keep watching for the new and Improved Cross Focus blog.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
The Wages Of Sin Are Not Pleasant To Behold.
The Wages Of Sin Are Not Pleasant To Behold.
“The way of transgressors is hard” Proverbs 13:15
No heart can rejoice in the sight of a man destroyed, even though it is by his own doings. Sin is the fountainhead of all sorrow, and it is the mother of all tears. Sin is a mighty destructive force. Sin is never satisfied until a life is ruined, disgraced, and brought into shame.
Go through the Bible and look at the payday of sinning. See Cain walking down the road, driven from the presence of God, saying, “My punishment is greater than I can bear.” [Genesis 4:13]
Then look at mighty Samson, champion of Israel, “grinding in the prison house” with his hair cut and his eyesight gone, having become the laughing stock of Gaza.
Look at David, the sweet singer of Israel. No one could play the melodious tones of the golden harp like David could. See him, this great warrior of Israel, as he stands over the lifeless body of his ill-gotten son, unshaven, unkept, brought into open shame for his sin.
There is only one way to avoid the tragic consequences of sin, and that way is CHRIST.
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” [Romans 3:23]
“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” [Romans 6:23]
by Len Paxton

Simply Believe !
I love the account in Mark 9:14-29 about a boy that could not speak or hear and how he received his healing. Due to space, I will not type out those passages but this also tells us something else very important. If we can believe; Jesus can do it ! Whatever we may need !
We see in this passage a father who had almost lost faith; but his faith was in man. He was to soon come in contact with the Sea Walker, the Leper Cleansing man, the Blind Man healer; Jesus Christ. Jesus was and is; very man and very God. More than a man !
All that was required of this father was that he simply believe. That may seem impossible to us at times, but if we will believe God; He still performs miracles in our lives today ! Even though it may seem too simple, all that is required of us is to simply believe. Whatever we see Jesus doing in the pages of the Bible, He will do the same for us today. He never changes. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. [ Heb. 13:8]
My question to you is this; has the arm of the Lord been shortened?
The answer to that question is a resounding “NO”.
Today, in your life, it may seem that all hell has broken loose around you. It may seem like all of your faith is gone. But I want you to continue to hold on to the promise that our God has given you. If He said it, then it will come to pass. If you can believe it, then our Jesus can do it. Always remember, you are serving a great, big God– Don’t put Him in a box and don’t sell Him short. Our tremendous God can still save the lost and set the captive free.
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