In the days ahead, I am going to be releasing a powerful, new word that God has given me for the days we are living in and I pray that all of you will check back with our blogs often.
The writings will be fewer in number in June, as we are moving to gain more room for our office. But do keep looking for these new releases that are to come.
At the bottom of this Cross Focus blog, I have added a You-Tube player with one of my videos and several by other men of God that I pray will be a blessing to you. If you click on the http adress on the bottom of the player, you will go to our You-Tube page and let me tell you, you will be blessed by the selections that we post there on You-Tube. God has opened this up to us as a brand new ministry venue. There will also be many personal videos posted there. We have also placed the same player at the bottom of our Cross Talk blog and two different players on Angies Spirit Led Corner blog. Please take full occasion to make use of this material. It will bless you, of that I am certain.
We have also received the results of the feedback on the books we sent out freely to several Christians, called "The Heavenly Man" by Brother Yun. Those who prayerfully took the time to read this free book that we gave them, all gave positive feedback and felt challenged by the book. That was the point. Those who did not take the time to read the book, for whatever reason, well , what can I say.American Christians really need to wake up.
Again, let me thank all of you for your continued use of the sites and may God richly bless each of you.
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