This is just a blog to inform you that I have placed a couple of our tv programs on the pod-cast at www.acts2618.com for you to view. The Lord has really been blessing these programs and the testimonys that we are receiving as to how God is using the programs in peoples lives are amazing to me. If you could pray for the program, I would really appreciate it. I cannot do it without the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
If you have problems watching the videos, back out of the page and then try again. If you still have problems, go off the internet briefly and then retry. Also, if you hit play on audio or video and you see a faded quick-time symbol with a question mark, do the same as stated above, back out and retry. It will work. Sometimes things get a bit overloaded thats all.
We pray that all of our audio/video selections will be a blessing to you. I encourage you to join us often and study with us.
Also, please e-mail us with your thoughts and prayer requests as often as you like. We also need for some of you to prayerfully consider partnering with us. Let us take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
In His service,
Bro. Len
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