First of all, let me say thanks to all of you who are making use of our Pod-Casts that are on our main web-site. It means alot to us simply to know that you are listening.
In March, we had 1,616 visits to our Pod-Casts alone. Again, thank you so very much. You need to avail yourself of the strong Gospel preaching that we have made available to you. Satan would very much like to make people believe that they don't have enough time to regularly listen to the Word of God. But we all need to make the time.
If you can plan to go on and listen even once a week, it would be of utmost blessing and benefit to you, I believe.
Please do all you can to join us at least once a week. There are titles on the front page as well as many titles archived.
Thank You and God bless,
Rev. Len Paxton
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